Training on ECD and Parenting
WELCOME to the Parenting Manual which is part of the Parenting Package to support parents, caregivers, family and community to provide integrated care to young children. This training module is going to inform parents and caregivers, teachers, social welfare workers, and all those paraprofessionals working with mothers and children on the needs of children and how to respond to them.
The introduction provides an overview of evidence-based concepts that informs the parenting manual. The purpose of this section is to define the elements of positive parenting and key family care practices for health and optimal child development.
Audience for the Training Manual
This training manual is designed for the trainers of Lady Health Workers (LHW)/other frontline workers and can be used by different levels of trainers (provincial, district, facility) with minor adaptations. There are two basic principles of this training:
- the LHWs/other frontline workers gain sufficient knowledge of early childhood development, parenting and Key Family care Practices (KFCPs)
- They attain skills for the basics of interpersonal communication.
- The first one empowers the LHWs/other frontline workers with information and the second makes them skillful in engaging with mother and family to discuss problems and look for solutions.
Practical tips are provided for the trainers to organize training, conduct sessions and ensure hands-on skills to the LHWs/other frontline workers.
Duration of the Training
The modules consist of several sessions of maximum 4 hours each although the time frame maybe adapted to fit the needs of the trainees in context.
Duration of the training will be 3 days for training of trainers, including one day of practice exercises.
Expected Number of Participants
25-30 participants will be included in the training at each particular time.
Number of facilitators/trainers: (2/ or depends on the number of trainees)
How to Use the Parenting Manual
In each session facilitator’s and participants notes provide session-by session instructions. It includes both the content of the course in the form of text and activities. Activities are found in boxes with the session and include instructions for participants to understand the activity either as individual, pair or in a group. Additional information that the facilitator will need to use as part of the preparations for the training session are also included as background information, facilitator’s notes and handouts.
Throughout the training manual, you'll see the following icons. Read on to learn what they mean: