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Activity 2: Situation of young children in Pakistan with respect to indicators


30 minutes

  • Give a projection of information on critical indicators:
    • Population of Pakistan
    • population of children under 5,
    • Number of births
    • Under five morbidity and mortality rate
    • Stunting and malnutrition rates
    • Underweight and wasting
    • Initiation of breastfeeding after birth, exclusive breastfeeding and
    • LBW/preterm

(Use training cards for each section for a better understanding of the situation - try to share province specific information where the training is taking place for contextualisation.)

  • Give participants time for questions after the presentation of the information above.
  • Discuss child development in relation to the situation presented.
  • Ask the participants on which indicators we are doing well on and which are the ones we are not doing well in.
  • Write the responses on a flip chart and discuss responses with the participants and summarize.
  • Answer any questions the participants may have.
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