Activity 2: Role Play

- Divide the participants into four groups.
- Give them a scenario to practice the ABC skills (use the scenario given below).
- Let them do role plays on their topic.
- In the plenary provide feedback to the role plays.
- Summarize the main points of ABC and answer any questions the participants may have.
Role Play:
Scenario: There is a pregnant woman who is not going for her antenatal check-ups because her mother-in-law does not agree with them and believes that there is no need. LHW/other frontline workers have to convince the woman and her mother-in-law with the help of ABC counselling.
- Step 1: The trainer explains the scenario to the group of participants.
- Step 2: Ask one of the participants to adopt the role of the mother, ask the second to act as mother-in-law, and third as a LHW/other frontline worker who has to convince that woman and her mother-in-law.
- Step 3: The trainer should encourage the participants to use counselling card by focusing the ABC of counselling during the role play. It is important to emphasize that the participant who is playing the role of LHW/other frontline worker should have a positive attitude, show care and encouragement, listen to the parent/caregiver, and fulfill all three steps of the ABC of counseling.