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Key Messages

In this manual, we have introduced a new method of counseling, which is ABC of counselling.

Ask: about the specific practice, whether it is being implemented or not, and reasons if not being practiced.

Brainstorm: discuss with mother about solutions to the problem (barriers) that are feasible in the context of her family.

Coach: help the mother in learning the skills involved in that specific practice.

The A of counselling includes:

  • Start the visit every time by asking the mother about her situation. Develop a friendly relationship.
  • Listen to the mother and the family and give importance to their views.
  • To understand the viewpoint of mother, be mindful of her circumstances and empathize with her.
  • Make eye contact during the conversation so that she feels you are actually interested in her problem.
  • Give woman and her family adequate time to speak.
  • Do not be instantly judgmental about anything while listening to their views and don’t be critical.
  • Try to get to the root of the problem.

The B of counselling includes:

  • Jointly look for a solution to the problem that was identified in the first (Ask) step.
  • Help the woman/family in executing that solution.
  • Divide the task into simple, smaller, and doable steps.
  • Keep repeating all those steps at different times until, and when, the task is completely achieved.
  • Do not forget to praise the woman even for the smallest of changes that frontline worker observes.
  • When you have figured out a solution, making the woman/family act accordingly is the most important part.

The C of counselling includes:

  • Help the mother start implementing the solution that was jointly reached in the 2nd (Brainstorm) step.
  • Show patience and ability to demonstrate the new skill to the mother.
  • Repeat in appropriate words to confirm from mother or family that you have reached the right conclusion.