ECD - P 15.png

Practice 15: Men’s Engagement

Ensure that men actively participate in providing nurturing and care to children, and are involved in reproductive health initiatives.



  • Talk about a man’s role in raising a happy and healthy family.
  • Ask the mother about the situation in her family.
  • Listen attentively.


  • Appreciate if the husband is supportive.
  • 􀀀If not, discuss and try to understand the reason.
    • For example, if husband is working overtime to make more money, or thinks childcare is a woman’s job, help mother in initiating the conversation.


  • Discuss with mother about the importance of a father’s role in child care and engagement with the child for healthy development.
  • Explain how it may help to talk to the mother in law,. For example, if the husband works overtime he might be bringing in more money but an unattended child might become sick, and all that money may be spent on the treatment instead.

Key Messages

  • Men should play an active role by:
    • Taking women to hospital for regular check-ups during pregnancy.
    • Ensuring that a birth preparedness plan is in place.
    • Emotionally supporting women during pregnancy, childbirth and in child rearing.
    • Ensuring a safe environment for their forthcoming child.
    • Ensuring that women get enough food and rest during pregnancy.
    • Men should help in feeding the child, playing with him/her, and interacting with the child.
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