
6-8 years

Physical Development

  • Climbs, skips, hops and gallops.
  • Learning to ride bikes.
  • Dexterity increases.
  • Skates, rides bikes.
  • Agility and coordination improves.
  • Runs around.

Cognitive Development

  • Able to read and write.
  • Able to define objects and the function and use of objects.
  • Concrete operational stage (age of relational thinking and concrete concepts).
  • Describes objects seen in pictures.
  • Recognizes shapes, numbers.
  • Makes decisions easily.

Language Development

  • Uses all types of sentence structures.
  • Prints letters.
  • Draws a person with body parts.
  • Imitates building steps with blocks.

Socio-Emotional Development

  • Sociable with friends and small group play.
  • Able to control emotions.


  • Involve the child in activities that give him/her responsibility and independence.
  • Support the child's playtime with friends in the community.
  • Encourage the child to try new and safe physical activities that support his/her physical development (e.g. stretching, skipping etc).


  • Spend time with the child and talk and listen to him/her, encourage the child to discuss his/her feelings and beliefs.
  • Express your love and affection.
  • Provide the child with information about accessing help and first-aid in the event of any emergency.
  • Use meal time as a time for the family to bond and attach; express love and affection for the child. Involve the child in identifying food that s/he likes.
  • Be patient with the child.
  • Create a defined routine for meal times and ne physically present when the child eats.
  • Encourage the child to maintain hygiene and practice it.

Key Family Practices to Promote During Your Visit
