
24 months

Physical Development

  • Strings three beads.
  • Snips paper in one place with scissors.
  • Zips and unzips zipper
  • Draws a straight line.
  • Turns pages one at a time.
  • Stands on tiptoe.
  • Begins to run and kicks a ball.
  • Climbs onto and down from furniture without help.
  • Walks steadily even while holding a toy.
  • Throws the ball while playing.
  • Makes of copies straight line and circles chairs.

Cognitive Development

  • Refers to self by name.
  • Begins mental problem-solving and play.
  • Finds things even when hidden under two or three covers.
  • Begins to sort shapes and colors.
  • Points and names body parts.
  • Follows two-step instructions such as 'Pick up your shoes and put them in the house'.
  • Names items in a picture book such as a cat, bird or dog etc

Language Development

  • Forms short sentences.
  • Uses pronouns.
  • Verbalizes need for food, drink and toilet.
  • Points to things or pictures when they are named.
  • Knows names of familiar people and body parts.
  • Says sentences with 2 to 4 words.
  • Follows simple instructions.
  • Repeats words overheard in conversations.
  • Points to things in a book.

Socio-Emotional Development

  • Likes to imitate parents.
  • Copies others, especially adults and older children.
  • Gets excited when with other children.
  • Shows more and more independence.
  • Shows defiant behavior.
  • Plays mainly beside other children, but also begins to play with the children such as in chase games.


Help your child count, name and compare things. Make simple toys for your child. Sample toys: objects of different colors and shapes to sort, stick or chalk board, puzzles etc


Encourage your child to talk and answer your child's questions. Teach your child stories, songs and games. Talk about pictures or books. Sample toy: book with pictures.

  • Give your child affection and show your love.
  • Praise your child for trying to learn new skills.
  • Be aware of your child's interests and respond to them.

Key Family Practices to Promote During Your Visit

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