9 months
Physical Development
- Crawls using their hands and tries to 'climb' the stairs.
- Clasps hands or bangs, drops and shakes objects or toys together.
- Puts things in his/her mouth.
- Rolls over in both directions.
- Uses both hands to play with toys, or grasps toys.
- Grasps small objects using thumb against side of index finger.
- Gets to a sitting position without help.
- Pulls him/herself to stand, walks holding on to furniture.
Cognitive Development
- Fears heights, aware of vertical space.
- Looks for toys that have been hidden in front of them.
- Beginning of intelligence, assigns symbols to events.
- Begins to show a quality of persistence.
- Follows simple directions like: 'pick up the toy'.
- Hands you a book when he/she wants to hear a story.
- Responds to name being called.
Language Development
- Uses words meaningfully.
- Responds to 1 or 2 words other than their name.
- Imitates cough, tongue clicking and hissing
- Repeats sounds or actions to get attention.
- Makes a lot of different sounds like 'mamamama', 'babababa' and 'dadadada'.
- Responds to simple spoken requests.
- Uses simple gestures, like shaking head 'no' or waving 'bye-bye'.
Socio-Emotional Development
- Should start to perceive mother and father as separate persons.
- Maybe afraid of strangers and clingy with familiar people.
- Turns head to visually follow familiar faces or favorite toys.
- Plays games such as 'peek-a-boo' and claps hands.
Hide a child's favorite toy under a cloth or box. See if the child can find it. Play peek-a-boo.
Tell your child the names of things and people. Show your child how to say things with hands, like 'bye bye'. Sample toys: doll with face.