ECD - P 3.png

Practice 3: Antenatal Care

Ensure that every pregnant woman receives at least four antenatal visits from appropriate health care provider including recommended doses of tetanus toxoid vaccination.



  • Ask the mother how many times a pregnant woman should go for an antenatal check-up.
  • Ask her if she went for ANC when she was pregnant and if she knows what happens during a checkup.
  • Listen attentively.


  • Appreciate if the ANC is being availed and advise to continue.
  • If not, discuss and try to understand their reason. Do they not know about it, or is the money or distance a problem?
  • Discuss joint solutions. For example, if money/distance is a problem or any other barrier, what could be done at family level and who can help?


  • Discuss practical solutions with the mother on tackling difficult situations.
  • Help her learn the schedule of 4 visits and what to expect in ANC checkups.
  • Help mother identify some of the danger signs during pregnancy, birth and delivery (e.g. swelling of hand, feet during pregnancy).

Key Messages

  • Seek Antenatal Care (ANC) as soon as you miss one (1) menstrual period.
  • Avail 4 check-ups, spread over entire pregnancy, from a skilled provider.
  • Ask the health worker about when to come for ANC.
  • ANC check-up will include:
    • Blood pressure examination
    • Blood and urine test
    • Provision of Iron/folic acid
    • TT injections
    • Health education on danger signs, nutrition, date of next visit, birth planning etc
  • Prepare for the birth of the child beforehand: save money, arrange for transport, find out people who can donate blood etc.
  • Know about danger signs in pregnancy: any bleeding, fever, swollen hands and feet, blurred vision and fits.
  • Sleep under insecticide-impregnated bed net.
  • Sing and talk to your baby while he/she is still in your womb.
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